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  • 11 Dec 2020 12:17 PM | Anonymous
    Welcome back to a SDMB's Meet the Board, where we introduce our current board members and give them an opportunity to talk about what motivates them to volunteer their time with SDMB. Fourth up, board member and mountain bike extraordinaire, Mike Mucker!

    1. How long have you been involved with SDMB?

    We did our first rides with SDMB in December of 2005 on a section of the Arizona Trail at Pistol Hill (which SDMB helped build) and for a photo shoot for Bike Magazine on the Arizona Trail at Kentucky Camp. We took part in various SDMB events over the next 10 years and I was invited to become a board member in June of 2015.

    2. What about SDMB’s mission and work really motivates you?

    I have a passion for cycling. I want to share that passion with others and create opportunities by increasing access for mountain bicyclists, building new sustainable trails, and improving existing trails.

    3. What is one personal/professional asset you bring to SDMB?

    I am also the founder of a bicycling organization in Pennsylvania, LHORBA (Laurel Highlands On & Off Road Bicycling Association), and served as president for the first 16 years. There I worked with eight different State Forest, State Park, and Regional Park land managers to help in new trail construction and trail maintenance. I made it a priority to teach trail advocacy to local cyclists. Through this I gained valuable experience in trail building, trail maintenance, trail advocacy, event planning, delegation and communication. I hope to use these skills to serve SDMB as a Board Member, Pima County Trails Program trail crew leader, Advocacy and Events committee member, and ride leader.

    4. What do you want to accomplish with SDMB moving forward?

    I would like to help build more trails in the Tucson region and improve the existing trails. I would also like to get more people on mountain bikes especially by helping to make the sport more inclusive and diverse.

    5. What is your favorite trail to ride (local preferred, but anywhere works)?

    There are too many great trails around Tucson to pick just one!

    • The 36 mile section of Arizona Trail from the Green Forest Gate south of Lakes Rd to the Hope Camp Trailhead.
    • Ridgeline and Wild Burro Trails in the Tortolita Mountains along with all of the trails in Honeybee for one big ride.
    • Tucson Mountain Park including the trails at Starr Pass, Robles Pass and Enchanted Hills.

    Here are a few my favorite trails that are not in Tucson:

    401 in Crested Butte, CO; McKenzie River near Bend, OR; South Boundary Trail in Taos, NM; Hurricane, Gould, Jem Loop in St. George, UT; Bear Gulch, Sun Valley, ID; Surveyors Ridge, Mt. Hood, OR

    Thanks Mike! Be on the lookout for more bios coming soon!

  • 24 Nov 2020 10:21 AM | Anonymous

    Welcome back to a SDMB's Meet the Board, where we introduce our current board members and give them an opportunity to talk about what motivates them to volunteer their time with SDMB. Third up, board member and current events committee chair, Dave Slagle!

    1. How long have you been involved with SDMB?

    My first event was Brats and Beers up at Catalina State Park in November of '13. I was late and missed most of the ride but still had a great time. I was determined not to be late to the next one. My next event was a trail build day working on the Yetman Wash reroute in early 2014. I still think of that day every time I ride that trail.

    In 2015, I was working on my first Our MTB Rides jersey, when I was asking Zach McDonald (then SDMB president) about putting the SDMB logo on our jersey when he suggested that I join the board. Sounded fun, but I was way too busy with family, work and running my own bike group. A few months go by and I get a call from Evan (current SDMB president) who again asked if I was interested in joining the board. After attending a single board meeting, next thing I know Pedro and I are on the board.

    2. What about SDMB’s mission and work really motivates you?

    I really enjoy being part of the projects we are working on. I find building new and maintaining existing trails very rewarding. I like to think that I'm a small part of the reason Tucson is an awesome place to ride.

    3. What is one personal/professional asset you bring to SDMB?

    I run the Our MTB Rides Facebook group and use that platform to advocate for SDMB. I really enjoy running some of SDMB’s events and further building community.

    4. What do you want to accomplish with SDMB moving forward?

    I would love to be part of the reason our projects (100 Acre Wood bike park, Starr Pass and Fantasy Island trails projects) encourage people to start cycling and to promote Tucson as a riding destination!

    5. What is your favorite trail to ride (local preferred, but anywhere works)?

    • Favorite single trail: Bug Spring. So much fun.
    • Favorite trail system: Starr Pass with all the new trails I've worked on. The feeling you get riding on trail you helped build is hard to describe. And Fantasy Island is the trail system that got me to love mountain biking!!
    • Favorite trails outside of Tucson: Moab's Hymasa and Captain Ahab. Then there is Bentonville. Lots of fun there. Maybe I need to get out more but we have it so good here in Tucson.

    Thanks Dave! Be on the lookout for more bios coming soon!

  • 12 Nov 2020 1:22 PM | Anonymous

    Welcome back to a SDMB's Meet the Board, where we introduce our current board members and give them an opportunity to talk about what motivates them to volunteer their time with SDMB. Second up, acting board vice-president, Kirk Astroth!

    1. How long have you been involved with SDMB?

    I have been involved with SDMB for about 5 years. (I really am vague on this—who even knows anymore?)

    2. What about SDMB’s mission and work really motivates you?

    Two things really motivate me about SDMB’s mission: trail building and protection. I love the fact that we are working to actively expand trail networks in southern Arizona and that we have an advocacy mission.

    3. What is one personal/professional asset you bring to SDMB?

    I got involved in the board because I am passionate about protecting trails like Honeybee that are constantly under the threat of development and elimination. I enjoy working in the political realm. I also bring my passion for data collection to SDMB. I have been placing a bike counter on various trails for the past 4 years and conducting rider surveys in order to ensure that we have hard data to bring to public discussions about the importance of protecting trails.

    4. What do you want to accomplish with SDMB moving forward?

    Moving ahead, I would like to see SDMB continue to build out more trails, like the 100 Acre Wood Bike Park, Tucson Mountain Park, McKenzie Ranch and other places. I also see a critical role SDMB can play in larger advocacy coalitions like the Network for Arizona Trails and the Pinal Partnership Open Space and Trails Committee. It is important to me that we have a statewide influence on trails and collaborate with groups like the Arizona Trail Association to pursue an agenda at the state level that protects trails and helps get the people of Arizona outdoors. I would also love to see SDMB expand its efforts beyond Tucson and bring others in Pinal County, Santa Cruz County, and Cochise County into our outreach and advocacy efforts. There are many trails outside the Tucson basin that could benefit from our trail maintenance and advocacy efforts.

    5. What is your favorite trail to ride (local preferred, but anywhere works)?

    My two favorite trails to ride are Honeybee and Sweetwater. Both are very different experiences, but both provide the kind of outdoor Sonoran Desert environment that I seek when I want to go for a spin. Plus, I almost always see someone I know when I am out riding those trails!

    Thanks Kirk! Be on the lookout for more bios coming soon!

  • 9 Nov 2020 2:42 PM | Anonymous

    Welcome to a SDMB's Meet the Board, where we introduce our board members and give them an opportunity to talk about what motivates them to volunteer their time with SDMB. First up, acting board president, Evan Pilling!

    1. How long have you been involved with SDMB?

    I attended my first SDMB volunteer event in 2008 when the Arizona Trail was being built south of Sahuarita Road. I joined the board around 2012.

    2. What about SDMB’s mission and work really motivates you?

    I love bikes, I love public lands, and I love what happens when we combine them. It’s an incredible opportunity to work with government partners like Pima County and the City of Tucson to build and maintain trails, empower and educate trail users and volunteers, and get more people recreating outside.

    3. What is one personal/professional asset you bring to SDMB?

    My background in mediation and collaborative decision-making helps me work with land managers, other user groups, and all stakeholders to find common cause and take care of the lands we all love. Additionally, having spent the better part of a decade designing, building, and maintaining trails I’m able to make even multi-use trails fun to ride while also being sustainable and providing a good user experience.

    4. What do you want to accomplish with SDMB moving forward?

    I want to figure out how to get more of the riding community to step into leadership roles and take ownership of their trails. We have so many opportunities to make Tucson an even better place to live and ride, but we don’t have the capacity to realize all of them. Projects like 100-Acre Wood Bike Park and Fantasy Island take a huge amount of work, and as usual it’s done by a very small group of dedicated volunteers. Just think of what we could do if more riders became leaders in the advocacy world!

    5. What is your favorite trail to ride (local preferred, but anywhere works)?

    Man, picking my favorite local trail is like being asked to pick my favorite dog (I have three), so I’m just going to say I love them all. Favorite trails elsewhere? 401 and Teocali in Crested Butte, Hazzard County in Moab, and Gooseberry Mesa in Hurricane.

    Thanks Evan! Be on the lookout for more bios coming soon!

  • 20 Jul 2020 2:40 PM | Deleted user

    Biking Book Recommendations During the Pandemic

    Compiled by SDMB board member Kirk Astroth

    So, you’re holed up, it's hotter than Hades, sheltering in place and trying to stay away from the respiratory cloud of other outdoor enthusiasts. But you’re still missing biking, right? So why not curl up on the couch or patio with a good book about biking? SDMB has got you covered with some great recommendations that will take your mind off these crazy times and keep you from being bored.

    Want to grab one of these books?  We'd appreciate it if you kept your money local by supporting a Tucson business like Antigone Books or Bookman's.  Local businesses are essential to a thriving and diverse community, and they need our support now more than ever.  If you can't find the book you want locally and want to purchase online, please consider Amazon Smile and choose SDMB as your charity so that a portion of the purchase price comes back to help us build and maintain trails!

    · Just Ride: A Radically Practical Guide to Riding Your Bike, by Grant Petersen (2012). The author worked in retail with bikes for years and was a racer. He wrote this book primarily to counter racing’s bad influence on biking and to encourage people to jettison the influences of racing that make your bike riding less fun. Among his messages: Don’t wear ridiculous outfits just to ride your bike; Don’t suffer in the name of speed; Don’t ride bikes that don’t make sense for you. He covers everything from helmets, pedals, riding techniques and upkeep. Spoiler alert: He wears plaid longsleeve shirts when riding.

    · Into Thick Air: Biking to the Bellybutton of Six Continents, by Jim Malusa (2008). Malusa is a Tucson-based writer who was oddly influenced by Jon Krakauer’s book, Into Thin Air. Malusa decides to do the opposite—venture to the world’s lowest places and the thickest air. Armed with plenty of sunscreen, water and a sleeping bag, this book chronicles his 6 year anti-summit adventures to the Dead Sea, he rode his bike from Tucson to Death Valley, and the lowest points on four other continents (Antartica was left out for obvious reasons). Well-written, humorous and entertaining, you can’t wait to read about his next venture.

    · The Coyote's Bicycle: The Untold Story of Seven Thousand Bicycles and the Rise of a Borderland Empire, by Kimball Taylor (2016). Taylor has mainly written about surfing, but when he stumbled upon large piles of used bicycles near the border in San Diego, he was determined to find out why they were there. He ends up unveiling a complicated web of intrigue and scheming involving more than 7,000 bikes that are used by migrants to cross the border, but then the bikes end up in US prisons, in the US military, Hollywood and the black market. All run by one man—El Negro and his shadowy accomplice Indio from Oaxaca.

    · Eat, Sleep, Ride: How I Braved Bears, Badlands, and Big Breakfasts in My Quest to Cycle the Tour Divide, by Pau Howard (2011). This book recounts the author’s experience riding in the Continental Divide race in 2010 from Canada to Mexico, the longest mountain bike ride in the world—over 2,700 miles and 500 miles longer than the Tour de France and with the equivalent elevation gain of 7 Mt. Everests. And the guy has never ridden a mountain bike before although to be fair he did ride in the Tour. Well-written and humorous with hand-drawn maps of his route. You won’t be able to put this book down.

    · The Lost Cyclist: The Epic Tale of an American Adventurer and His Mysterious Disappearance, by David Herlihy (2010). The author chronicles the story of Frank Lenz from Pittsburgh who in 1892 set out to cycle around the world on a new-fangled kind of bicycle with inflatable tires. Two years later and after surviving countless disasters and travails, he disappeared in Turkey on his approach to the end in Europe. His disappearance sparked a world outrage and reporters were sent out to find out what happened to Lenz.

    · Full Tilt: From Ireland to India with a Bicycle, by Dervla Murphy (1987). In 1963, this young woman set off, alone, on a bike to ride to the base of the Himalayas. She took minimal support gear and hardly any food, counting on the goodness of people along the way. She had an incredible experience, particularly in Afghanistan where she had to disguise herself as a man so she could pass through rural villages. (Aside: If you like this book, you should read some of her numerous other books of adventure. She is the definition of “intrepid.”)

    · It’s All About the Bike: The Pursuit of Happiness on Two Wheels, by Robert Penn (2011). Lance Armstrong might has suggested that it was NOT about the bike, but Penn disagrees. He has pedaled nearly every day of his adult life and traveled over 25,000 miles on a bike. Finally, he decided he need to build the “perfect bike” that he would ride for the rest of his life. This book is about his epiphany about biking wherein he explores the culture, science, and history of the bicycle. It explains why we bike. A very entertaining and informing book about all the components of why great bikes are great.

    · Ultimate High: My Everest Odyssey, by Goran Kropp (1997). Kropp was a 35-year old Swede who always wanted to climb Mt. Everest, so he set out in 1995 from Sweden on his bike, riding all the way to Nepal and the base of Mount Everest. He summited without oxygen, almost died on the summit, and then biked home to write about it all. Sadly, Kropp died in a rock-climbing accident in eastern Washington state in 2002.

    · No Shit! There I was....A Collection of Wild Stories From Wild People, by Michael Hodgson (1994). Hodgson has collected a variety of short humorous essays and stories about adventure and misadventure. All pieces were submitted as part of a writing contest and includes the best stories.

  • 20 Apr 2020 4:30 PM | Deleted user

    Photo credit: Mt. Lemmon Gravel Grinder

    Mountain Biking During the Pandemic Part 2: Gravel Grinding

    Ok, so you want to be a responsible citizen and practice effective social distancing but want to keep riding?  Awesome.  Here in Southern Arizona we’re really fortunate to have 450+ miles of non-Wilderness singletrack, so there are plenty of ways to spread out and avoid the crowds.  In our last blog post we discussed some of the “lesser-traveled” trails around Tucson that are fun to explore and unlikely to be crowded.  For this blog post we’re going to share a couple of gravel routes; higher-mileage rides that use dirt roads instead of trails.  Gravel grinding is an awesome way to cover a lot of ground, explore new areas, and build fitness.  It’s also a great option for beginner riders, less-confident riders, and those coming from a road riding background, as by and large dirt roads are less technical (but not always!).  Southern Arizona has literally thousands of miles of dirt roads in both the low desert and the mountains, so you can move up or down in elevation depending on the weather.

    To get the dirt on gravel routes, we reached out to a few of our local gravel grinder race/event promoters: the Mt. Lemmon Gravel Grinder (MLGG) and the Spirit World 100.  The MLGG takes place in October of each year and takes riders from the 3C Ranch in Oracle up Mt. Lemmon and through the San Pedro River Valley on 40, 50, and 60-mile routes.  SDMB is a nonprofit beneficiary of the MLGG, so a portion of all sponsorships and race fees benefit local trail projects!  The Spirit World 100 is Southern Arizona’s newest gravel race, and it takes riders on a 50 and 100-mile route based out of Patagonia.  The event is coordinated by The Cyclists’s Menu, which offers fully-catered cycling camps with amazing food courtesy of chef Zander Ault.

    Exploration is one of the best parts of any ride, whether it's on singletrack or a back dirt road.  You don't need to follow an established route to have a blast.  Two great starting points are Charleau Gap Rd. in Catalina and Redington Rd. to the east of Tucson.  Both roads are also popular with OHV users, especially on weekends, so avoid peak days/hours.

    Given the distances that most gravel routes cover, it’s pretty likely that you will be driving there and stopping in small towns like Oracle and Patagonia.  At this point we are all hopefully practicing social distancing, washing our hands, wearing masks, etc to help flatten the curve and end the COVID-19 outbreak.  When traveling from one area to another, or from a city to a small town, please make sure to do the following:

    • Do your research!  Some small outdoor towns are specifically requesting that folks not go there to avoid stressing their already-limited medical resources (Moab, UT for example).  If a town says “don’t come here” please respect that!
    • Support the local economy, but do so in a respectful and responsible way.  Buy a tank of gas, get take-out from a local restaurant, but make sure to avoid unnecessary exposure!  Make sure to wear gloves and a mask and keep that 6-foot distance going.  Remember, the concern here is you infecting the locals, not vice-versa.
    • Be Prepared and Practice “Leave No Trace”.  Even though we’re in a pandemic, Leave No Trace principles still apply.  Bring what you need and take all your waste home with you.  Remember, most developed recreation services (including restrooms) are closed, so now is a great time to read up on how to go potty outside (hint… bring a trowel/shovel, TP, and hand sanitizer).  LNT has great information on their website about LNT ethics and practices and outdoor recreation during the pandemic.  GO HERE FOR MORE LNT INFORMATION
    • Don’t Be a Victim!  It’s never a good time to need a rescue or a trip to the emergency room, but now is an especially bad time.  Ride within your limits, pack everything you need, and manage any unnecessary risks.  Local emergency responders and medical professionals have much bigger concerns than treating your concussion or heat exhaustion because you sent it too hard. 

    Gravel Grinder Routes

    Mt. Lemmon Gravel Grinder

    The MLGG course has 40, 50, and 60-mile options.  All routes technically start and finish at the 3C Ranch, but a good alternate start/finish is just past the ranch at the turn-off for Peppersauce Campground.  While the MLGG is technically a gravel route, the Mt. Lemmon Control Road is steep, bumpy, and often has loose rock so while you can ride it on a gravel or CX bike, a hardtail 29er is the weapon of choice for most riders.  The MLGG course has a low elevation of 3,000 ft. and a high elevation of 8,000 ft. (for the 60 Grind) so be prepared for a wide variety of temperatures.  No matter which route you choose, the views of the Catalina and Galiuro Mountains are spectacular and the diversity of plants (Saguaros all the way up to Ponderosa Pines) on the course is second to none.


    Spirit World 100

    Based out of Patagonia, AZ the Sprit World 100 has 50 and 100-mile routes.  These are more “traditional” gravel routes that can be ridden on a gravel/CX bike or a mountain bike.  Both the 50 and 100-mile routes are between 4,000 and 6,000 feet in elevation, and cross high desert grasslands and the Patagonia, Huachuca, and Mule Mountains and the Canelo Hills.  It’s proximity to the US/Mexico border makes the Spirit World 100 an interesting ride. 


    Other Gravel Grinding Resources and Suggestions

    The Dirty Freehub

    The Dirt Freehub is a national website that features curated and vetted gravel routes in each state.  They have detailed map and elevation information for all routes.


    From SDMB Board Member Kirk Astroth

    SDMB’s own Kirk Astroth is an avid explorer of random dirt roads and backcountry routes, many of which feature interesting historical and archeological features.  Read on for a list of some of his favorite gravel rides.  You’ll have to do your own map and wayfinding research for these, which just makes it more of an adventure!

    • Samaniego Hills, Ironwood Forest National Monument. Bikes are not allowed on trails in national monuments, but you can ride the roads. This 13-20 mile set of loops takes you through a little-explored area called the Samaniego Hills east of the Silverbell Mine.
    • Silverbell Mine Loop. I have been on this loop that goes behind the Silverbell Mine to the west. Lots of wash crossings and roller coaster-like. There are old cemeteries along the way although you can’t visit the old Silverbell ghost town since it is on the mine’s private property. Start at the end of Avra Valley Road near the gate to the mine and ride the gravel road where the sign says “Red Rock” 25 miles. Look for an amazing sagauro cactus along the paved access road with a number of arms. Ride as far as you want, or for a really long ride, go all the way to the Silverbell Road intersection with Sasco Road, ride south to the Avra Valley Road, and head back to where you started.
    • Malpais Hill Loop. This loop circumnavigates Malpais Hill, a prominent, lone black outcrop west of the Silverbell Road NW of the mine.
    • Sonoran Desert National Monument.
    • Option 1. Farley’s Cabin. This ride is kind of far afield, but since no one uses the trails and roads in the Sonoran Desert National Monument on both sides of I-8 west of Casa Grande, this is a good place to ride. The road into an old stone cabin is 5 miles one way. Entrance off I-8 is MP 133 on Road #8012. There are numerous gates and access sites along I-8 but you would never know it, so keep an eye out. Once you reach Farley’s Canyon, you are in the Sand Tank Mountains Military Reserve and need a special permit to go further. Maps of this area are usually available at the roadside kiosks where the trail starts. For more information:
    • Option 2. South Vekol Road. At MP 144, exit I-8 and park. Head south on your bike on South Vekol Road (#8007). You can take the first road heading east (#8044 and 8042) and ride into the Table Top Wilderness area to the Lava Flow North Trailhead. Or continue south on #8007 and follow it (don’t get tricked into taking many of the minor tributaries like 8007C or 8007D) and ride all the way south to road #8024 where you head east to the Table Top Campground and Trailhead. Access into the wilderess is closed to bikes
    • San Pedro River Trail. (All Trails app has a complete map of this trail system)
      • Option 1. There is a nice stretch of 14 miles of bike trail along the San Pedro River, one of the last running rivers in Arizona. The San Pedro National Conservation Area is popular with hikers, bikers and bird watchers. To ride the trail, most people start at the San Pedro House trailhead located nine miles east of Sierra Vista on AZ 90 where the highway crosses the river. Look for the obvious visitor center and huge cottonwood trees. From here, you can obtain a map and ride either north or south. Right now, because of COVID-19, the visitor center is closed, but you can obtain a map and more information here:
      • Option 2. The San Pedro trail goes through a variety of archaeological sites, including Murray Springs which is where they found a mammoth kill site dating to 11,000 years ago and Clovis spear points. For a shorter ride, you can access this site and do a 6.5 mile loop by driving to Monson Road, 1.2 miles north of the turnoff to Monson from AZ 90 (the highway from Sierra Vista and Bisbee).
    • Option 3. Another historic site along this trail is the Spanish Presidio Santa Cruz de Terrenate. The ruins here are some of the most intact examples of a string of Spanish missions and presidios that stretched through Arizona. To access this site, go to Fairbanks where AZ 82 crosses the San Pedro River, drive about two miles west on AZ 82, and then turn right (north) on Kellar Ranch Road. The trailhead is about three miles north of this intersection. The ruins are about two miles in from the trail head. Once there, you can ride south on the San Pedro River Trail.
  • 10 Apr 2020 9:16 PM | Deleted user

    Mountain Biking During The Pandemic

    Unless you live under a really large rock, on the Moon, with no connection to media of any sort, you probably know that we’re experiencing a global pandemic.  In a matter of months COVID-19 has fundamentally changed the way we live, shop, work, and of course recreate.  We all want to do our part to contain the spread and flatten the curve, but we also want to get out and ride!  SDMB has covered ways to stay safe and practice social distancing in an earlier blog post; GO HERE TO READ MORE.

    The short and sweet version of how to practice social distancing and be responsible while riding is:

    • Ride alone or with people you live with.
    • Maintain as much space as possible (up to 60 feet!) between you and other trail users. 
    • Stay home if you have ANY respiratory symptoms.
    • Ride mellow and avoid unnecessary risks that might lead to an ER trip.
    • Avoid crowded trails and trailheads.
    • Ride on non-peak days and hours if possible (night rides, anyone?).
    • When riding alone, tell someone where you’re going and check out/in with them before and after your ride.
    • Be self-sufficient by bringing all the water and tools you need and making sure your bike is well-maintained.  Remember, most of the bike shops in town are still open if you need parts or service!
    • Know where you are!  Now is not a good time to get lost and need rescue.  Make sure that you know your route and have a good mapping app on your phone.  We suggest Trailforks and MTB Project, as they have comprehensive maps and don’t require cell service (once you’ve downloaded the app).

    Now that we all know how to stay safe and distant, where do we ride?  Especially on weekends, trail systems like Fantasy Island, Honeybee, and Starr Pass, and Sweetwater are seeing record numbers of users, with full parking lots and crowded trails.  Fortunately, in Pima County alone we have more than 450 miles of non-Wilderness singletrack, and so much more if you factor in southern Pinal County and northern Cochise County.

    We’ve started a list of suggested “less-traveled” trails and trail systems within an hour(ish) drive of Tucson.  This is a great opportunity to go check out some new trails…  who knows, you might find your new favorite!  While these are mostly “front-country” rides that present minimal risk to experienced rides, please make sure to practice common sense by bringing everything you might need, avoiding excessive heat, and riding withing your comfort zone.

    Do you have suggestions to add to the list?  Email and we’ll add them!

    Arizona National Scenic Trail

    The 800-mile Arizona National Scenic Trail is truly a national treasure, and we’re privileged to have it right outside of Tucson.  The AZT can be your go-to if you want to do long XC rides in a variety of climates and landscapes.

    East of Tucson

    Italian Trap: The “Italian Trap” section of the AZT runs about 2 miles south from Redingon Rd, and can be done as an out and back or turned into a loop using dirt roads.  For bonus points, ride/hike-a-bike another 3 miles each way to the Wilderness boundary for a fast rip back down.


    Bellota Lake to top of Milagrosa:  Head north on the AZT from Redington Rd. to Bellota Lake.  From there you can continue over to the top of Milagrosa as an out and back or make a loop on dirt roads.  Good loop options incorporate Bellota Ranch Rd. and the ATV trail.


    North of Tucson

    Lots of option in the Oracle area!  Cody Loop, Oracle State Park, and Tiger Mine are all good options.  Additional loop options can be found in Oracle State Park

    Good Access Points: American Flag TH, American Avenue TH, and the intersection of the AZT/SR-77 (limited parking).  At this point (4/10/20), Oracle State Park is still open.


    South/East of Tucson

    Pick a trailhead and ride south as far as you want!  A good access point is at SR-83 at Sahuarita Rd.  Other options include Lakes Rd. (Twin Tanks) or Rosemont Junction. 

    Box Canyon area: Park at the Box Canyon TH, ride the AZT and explore the dirt roads in the Santa Rita Mtns.

    Please note that the Gabe Zimmerman trailhead is popular with riders, hikers, and equestrian users.  Probably best to avoid on peak days/times.


    Kentucky Camp/Gardner Canyon

    The AZT runs through Kentucky Camp/Gardner Canyon area, and there are miles of dirt roads to make loops.  You can even find running water!  Check out the IMBA Epic route and the Arizona Endurance Series route.


    McKenzie Ranch XC Race Venue

    We’re a little partial to McKenzie Ranch because, well, we built it!  The McKenzie area has 13 miles of fast flowy trail (including Hohokam Trail), that’s beginner-friendly and easy to follow.  There are several loop options to shorten it up (or do multiple laps for more miles!) and as another directional system it will be easier to practice social distancing.


    Green Valley Area

    Elephant Head Mountain Bike Route 

    Elephant Head was one of the original MTB routes in Southern Arizona, and offers spectacular views of the Elephant Head formation on the western end of the Santa Ritas.  It's old-school!  For bonus points link up to Mt. Hopkins and Madeira Canyon via dirt and paved roads.


    West Desert Trails 

    With more than 30 miles of low-desert XC riding, the West Desert Trails have a variety of loop options for riders of all ability levels.  Please note that the trails are on land owned by Freeport McMoRan mining company and a permit is required.  GO HERE TO GET YOUR PERMIT


    Tucson Mountain Park West

    There are great trails on the west side of Tucson Mountain Park too!  Trails like Golden Gate, Prospector, Ironwood, and Caliche Flats offer a variety of riding experiences and are generally less crowded.  Brown Mountain is a great option for more experienced riders, but may have increased hiker traffic.  Best parking options are any of the numbered pull-offs along Gates Pass Rd. and Kinney Rd..  Based on reports, probably best to steer clear of Ironwood Picnic Area, Gilbert Ray, and King’s Canyon trailhead.


    Casa Grande Mtn Park

    Casa Grande is only an hour away, and there’s a great trail system up there!  There are plenty of options with beginner, intermediate, and advanced options, and easy access from the I-10.  Please note that Casa Grande Mountain is extremely exposed so go earlier as it gets hotter.


    24 Hours in the Old Pueblo Course

    Everybody’s favorite place to ride laps in the desert with 2,000 of their closest friends!  The 24HOP Course offers a mellow 16-mile XC loop.  It’s a directional loop too, so even better for social distancing.  To add some flavor, ride Bones and Painter Boy, two trails that make an awesome loop that connects to the course. 

    Please note that the 24HOP Course is on AZSLD land, so a permit is required. GO HERE TO GET YOUR AZSLD PERMIT


    Cobre Ridge, Arivaca

    Cobre Ridge probably wins the “Way Out” award, and you’re unlikely to see another soul on this 16-mile loop south of Tucson near the Mexican border.  It’s a little higher in elevation at 4,500 feet, so will be a bit cooler than areas closer to Tucson.


    Sierra Vista Trails

    If you’ve never explored the Huachuca Mountains outside of Sierra Vista, you’re in for a treat. The Sky Islands range has a great mix of grasslands, chaparral, and Ponderosa Pine forests.  And it’s cooler than Tucson!  Brown Canyon and Carr Canyon both provide mixes of singletrack and doubletrack, and make for a great day of riding.


    Chiva Falls

    Located in the Rincon Mountains and accessed via Redington Rd., Chiva Falls is a rare waterfall in the desert.  With all of the snow and rain this winter Chiva is flowing nicely, and should be running for a while.  This ride consists mainly of jeep roads so you’ll probably see some OHV’s (wave and say "Hi!"), but the roads are fun and the falls are well-worth the trip.  You can also check out Frog Hollow, a good summertime swimming hole, and link up the Upper Chiva route or head up to the Italian Trap section of the AZT.


    Golden Gate Road, Saguaro National Park

    This newly-closed section of dirt road in Saguaro National Park West runs from Picture Rocks Rd. to the Sendero Esperanza trailhead, about 3 miles each way.  The length and beginner-friendly nature of this ride makes it a great one to take the kids on.  To extend your outing, hike up to check out the petroglyphs on Signal Hill.  Please note that bikes are not permitted on singletrack in Saguaro National Park.  Please respect all directions and signage.


    Mt. Graham, Pinaleno Mountains

    Mt. Graham is a bit farther away than an hour, but at 10,719 feet it will be nice and cool when the desert floor heats up.  The Pinalenos are another Sky Islands range.  There are a number of rideable trails on Mt. Graham, but they will require some exploring.  The area is still being rehabilitated after the Frye Fire in 2017 and some trails and roads may not be re-opened yet.  Please note that Coronado National Forest has closed most developed recreation sites, so campgrounds, picnic areas, etc. will likely be closed. 


  • 7 Apr 2020 10:47 AM | Deleted user

    “Stay Home, Stay Healthy, Stay Connected!” SDMB’s Recommendations for Trail Use Amid COVID-19

    In light of Governor Ducey’s Stay-at-Home executive order for Arizonans to “Stay Home, Stay Healthy, Stay Connected” (which goes into effect today at 5pm and will last until at least April 30), SDMB would like to remind members and the greater Tucson mountain biking community of proper behavior and trail etiquette in these uncertain times. With many individuals having extra free time or working from home in recent weeks, many local trails have become more popular than usual. We understand that many are already going stir crazy, but now is the time to prioritize safe trail use and interactions above challenging yourself with technical riding or riding in social groups. We want you all (and all other trail users) to be able to stay safe and healthy during these uncertain times.

    While all local trail network remain open (for now), SDMB has already been notified about negative trail interactions and trailhead resource damage within the last month. With stay-at-home orders in place, please consider not riding for the time being; however, if you arrive at a trailhead and it is busy, please consider going somewhere less popular. With social distancing guidelines in place, please keep rides short and mellow (no trips to the ER!), ride by yourself or with people you live with, and make sure remain a safe distance from other users while out on the trails. It’s more important than ever to follow SDMB’s Be Cool guidelines: 1) "Slow your Roll" - control your speed, especially on trails with short sight-lines, 2) "Respect Others" - yielding to all other trail users and uphill riders, and 3) "Pay Attention" - watch out for other trail users at all times and don't ride up on someone at Mach 5, always use a bell to let other users know you are approaching. It is up to us to set a good example of proper trail etiquette for other trail users, especially where time on the trail may be the only outlet for the next month. Let’s all do our part and keep ourselves safe while still getting out and responsibly using the trails.

     Take a peek at our below recommendations for trail use to learn about how you can help keep the outdoors safe and enjoyable for all users (borrowed from Mountain Bikers of Santa Cruz).

    SDMB Recommendations:

    Stay home as much as possible!

    Exercise and sanity are absolutely important, however, we recommend that everyone stay at home as much as possible until this situation passes. Countries that have figured out how to stop the rapid spread of COVID-19 have all enacted much stricter social distancing measures than we are experiencing here in Arizona.

    If you do go out, act as if everyone you encounter out on the trails has the virus (even if they don’t!)

    Give plenty of room (at least 6 feet), wash your hands frequently, and bring hand sanitizer with you on rides just in case you need it.

    Do not drive to a riding location

    Following Arizona guidelines, only drive across town for the absolute essentials! Car crashes are no joke, and driving to the trailhead is unacceptable right now, as automotive transport facilitates virus spread between communities. Get to know your local park, or explore new areas nearby home.

    Please, do not ride/hike/do anything in large groups, aim for solo activities as much as possible!

    Gathering in a large group and hitting the trails increases the chance of virus transmission between members of your group as well as transmission to other trail users. As a large group, you create a bigger obstacle for other users and set a bad example for the outdoor community.

    Tell your housemates your route, share your location with them on your phone and provide them with an expected return time if you are concerned for your safety when heading out for a solo ride.

    Building on the previous warning, do not shuttle under any circumstances!

    Gathering together in a car, driving to a new area, and riding in a group is a dangerous and unnecessary risk to put on yourself and the community you are visiting. Maintaining the recommended 6’ between yourself and others is not possible in a car with all your buds.

    In the event that parks shut down, please respect closures

    If closures do occur, they are for the best of our community’s health. Respect the experts here, and avoid closed areas at all times.

    Pick off-hours to ride, and avoid times of heavy traffic

    If you do choose to enjoy the outdoors, pick a time when you believe there will be low traffic on the trails.

    For example, riding at 4:00 p.m. on a Saturday is likely better than riding at 10:00 a.m.

     Keep rides short and conservative if you do choose to enjoy the trails

    We know that injuring yourself is never the goal when enjoying the outdoors. That said, stay in your comfort zone and do not put unnecessary pressure on emergency services or our trails.

    Our health system cannot support additional emergencies right now, and no one wants to be the one to distract medical resources from an ongoing pandemic.

    Keep your rides short and sweet for the time being. Give others ample opportunity to enjoy the trails!

     Use the bathroom before your ride, and avoid snot rockets while on the trail

    Many public restrooms are closed (they’re a huge vector for disease!), so do your business before hitting the trail.

    No one wants to encounter your snot during their park visit, especially if it could cause transmission.

    Do not share food or tools

    This isn’t the time to swap snacks or share gear. Keep your tools to yourself, and if you absolutely must help someone out, sanitize tools before and after use.

     Give people the space and time they need to use the trail safely

    Slow down more than usual, and give fellow trail users more room than you may normally give should you need to pass.

    Now is a time to prioritize the experience of others. Keep trail interactions safe, kind and respectful.

    Speak up if others are not following these recommendations! Share this knowledge.

    If you encounter a group of folks shuttling or disrespecting social distances, say something to them in a respectful and informative way.

    We’re in this together and need to hold one another accountable.


    Please remember - your choices have consequences! Any of the choices in the above could easily apply to going out for a group ride on our trails.

    We know that times are hard right now, but please take the time to slow down and think through the way you use trails and interact with others during this time.

    Stay safe,

    SDMB Board

  • 2 Jan 2020 11:21 PM | Deleted user

    SDMB Year in Review 2019

    As 2019 comes to a close and we welcome in 2020 (a new decade of riding!), we wanted to share a recap of the year and our accomplishments.  Everything SDMB does is made possible through your support, donations, membership dollars, and volunteer hours, so this is really a recap of what WE collectively have accomplished over the last year.  Huge, huge thanks to everything the MTB and trails community does to support SDMB in our mission to Build, Ride, and Protect trails in Tucson and Southern Arizona.  To join or renew your membership or make a donation, please go to .  To make a donation specifically to the bike park, go to (make sure to specify 100-Acre Wood Bike Park!).

    Also, special thanks to the SDMB board, crew leaders, and others who have taken leadership roles over the last year!

    Major 2019 Accomplishments

    Enchanted Hills Trails Park

    SDMB worked with Pima County to develop the new Enchanted Hills Trails Park adjacent to the 36th St. Trailhead, building more than 5 miles of MTB-optimized multi use singletrack and the first MTB-specific trail in the Tucson Mountains!  Enchanted Hills is the newest addition to Tucson Mountain Park, and has great variety including beginner-friendly options like Lower El Grupo Loop and techy advanced trails like Wild West.  In addition to coordinating and leading the majority of the volunteer events, SDMB brought an AmeriCorps National Civilian Community Corps (NCCC) team to Tucson assist with construction and restoration work and provided staff time for machine operation. 

    100-Acre Wood Bike Park

    In 2019, 100-Acre Wood Bike Park took a bunch of steps closer to become a reality!  In January SDMB held a press conference and ground breaking volunteer event in collaboration with the City of Tucson, Davis Monthan Air Force Base (DMAFB), and REI Tucson.  Over the past year we have coordinated more than 25 volunteer events, working not only with the MTB community but with with groups like Tucson Electric Power and the University of Arizona Blue Chip Leadership Program.  Overall, in 2019 SDMB volunteers dedicated more than 1,800 volunteers hours to the bike park (at a value of more than $44,000!).  In August we built the Flow Trail Skills Area, with beginner and intermediate jump lines, and then in December we completed the Green Flow Trail and began construction on the Green XC Trail (hopefully to be completed by the end of January 2020).  In addition to construction SDMB continued to work on site cleanup and restoration, contracting with Strategic Habitat Enhancements as the restoration consultant for the project.  Thanks to REI Tucson, Tucson Electric Power, Tucson Medical Center, and Hammel Dentistry for providing grant funding this year, and to all of the individual donors who contributed.

    AmeriCorps National Civilian Community Corps (NCCC) Teams

    In 2019 SDMB was fortunate to bring not one but two AmeriCorps NCCC teams to Tucson, for a total of 12 weeks of assistance.  The first team assisted with trail building and restoration efforts at Enchanted Hills in collaboration with Pima County NRPR, allowing us to build 5.3 miles of trail in just a few months. 

    For the second team SDMB collaborated with TORCA, the Arizona Trail Association, and Pima County NRPR.  NCCC volunteers assisted with trail maintenance on Mt. Lemmon and at McKenzie Ranch Trails Park, helped build more than a mile of trail at Painted Hills Trails Park, and spent 2 weeks doing cleanup and trail building at the bike park. 

    SDMB provided project management and coordination for both teams, including submission of applications, location and funding for housing, and facilitation of training and schedules.

    Be Cool Trail Etiquette Campaign

    Now in its third year, SDMB’s “Be Cool” trail etiquette campaign continues to be successful in educating mountain bikers and other users about how to get along on the trails.  In 2019 SDMB volunteers held 10 trailhead outreach events, handing out 800+ bike bells along with stickers and informational flyers about trail etiquette.  To date, we have given out nearly 2,000 bike bells! 

    Fantasy Island

    Fantasy Island is one step closer to permanent preservation!  Efforts to preserve FI have been active for years, and in 2019 SDMB teamed up with TORCA and SAMBA to work with the City of Tucson and the Arizona State Land Department (AZSLD) to implement the 2006 Fantasy Island Trails Park Master Plan.  In November Mayor and Council voted to approve the Planned Community Development (PCD) plan that designates most of the Northern part of FI as permanent open space, effectively preserving it even though the land has not been transferred yet.  SDMB is working with Tucson Parks and Recreation to develop an agreement that will allow us to maintain and improve the FI trails in coming years.  

    Honeybee Canyon Trails

    SDMB continues to work with the Town of Oro Valley and other stakeholders to advocate for preservation of the Honeybee Canyon trails.  In 2019 SDMB board members and supporters met several times with new Oro Valley Mayor Joe Winfield and staff to discuss Honeybee, and we presented to the OV Town Council in April to begin raising awareness about the need for preservation and active management.  SDMB board members are planning a site visit with interested OV Town Council Members, hopefully in February 2020.

    2nd Year of McKenzie Frenzy

    For the second year, SDMB put on a mountain bike race!  The 2nd Annual McKenzie Frenzy, p/b Hammel Dentistry on December 7th was a huge success, with 130+ riders enjoying perfect temps, a fast course, and Tucson’s awesome MTB community.  In addition to having a great time racing, participants helped SDMB raise more than $6,000 to support trail projects!  Thanks too to our Race Supporters: Tucson Endurance Performance Center, Ben’s Bikes, Sabino Cycles, Metal Works Precision Machine & Tool, and Catalina Brewing Co.  We’re already getting stoked for next year and planning to make it a bigger and better event!

    Tortolita Preserve

    Tortolita Preserve was under threat of sale and eventual development until the Marana Town Council voted to extend its lease from the Arizona State Land Department through 2099.  SDMB supported the preservation effort in a variety of ways, including board members and supporters submitting letters and comments and attending public meetings.  Board member Kirk Astroth gathered one full year of rider data to present to the council, and is now serving on the Marana Parks & Recreation Master Plan Committee.

    What’s Next

    More bike park!

    100-Acre Wood Bike Park will continue to be a major priority for SDMB.  What’s next for the bike park?  We’ll keep building as dirt and funding becomes available, with an upcoming priority development of 2 pump tracks near Alvernon.  SDMB and the City of Tucson are working with DMAFB to renew and extend the lease on the land, and we hope to finalize the sponsorship package and begin major fundraising.  And, of course, we’re going to ride a bunch!

    Fantasy Island

    Once SDMB’s agreement with the City of Tucson is finalized we will start regular maintenance days (may be limited to the Northern trails including Lone Cactus, Bo’s, Burro’s, and Christmas Tree as those will be the officially sanctioned trails) and begin planning for trail improvements, including installation of features.  We will also continue working with Tucson Water to ensure that the Bunny Loop stays open as SHARP Project construction continues.  SDMB is looking at some potential sources of funding to support trail maintenance and improvement.

    Mockingbird/Explorer Trails

    The next round of planned trail development in Tucson Mountain Park should begin sometime in 2020.  Mockingbird Trail will provide a climbing-friendly connector between Explorer and 36th St. trails, and the Explorer extension will provide a singletrack connection from the 4’ culvert under Ajo Way all the way to Kennedy Park.  Pima County NRPR still needs to complete the biological and cultural surveys and then both trails will be shovel-ready!  SDMB still has up to $75,000 of RTP grant funding waiting for this package of trails, and there will be plenty of volunteer opportunities.

    Be Cool Trail Etiquette Campaign

    We’ll continue handing out bike bells and spreading the “Be Cool” gospel through outreach and education.   For 2020, we plan to continue the trailhead events, hand out even more bike bells, and are working with Pima County and other land managers on designing and installing trailhead signage.  Be Cool out there on the trail! 

  • 30 Dec 2019 10:59 PM | Deleted user


    For the third year in a row, SDMB had the pleasure of hosting an Americorps NCCC team.  The National Civilian Community Corps is a national service program in which college-age young adults devote 1-2 years to supporting government and nonprofit programs across the country.  Previous NCCC teams assisted with completion of the McKenzie Ranch XC Race Venue and Hohokam Trail (2018) and trail building and restoration work at Painted Hills Trails Park (early 2019).  To learn more about AmeriCorps NCCC, go to:

    For this team (called Earth 9) we decided to take a collaborative route and work with some of our favorite partner organizations to expand the ways the team could benefit the Tucson trails community.  In their time in Tucson, Earth 9 worked with SDMB, Tucson Off-Road Cyclists & Activists (TORCA), the Arizona Trail Association, and Pima County Natural Resources, Parks, & Recreation (NRPR).  SDMB submitted the application for the team, provided overall project coordination, and coordinated and paid for housing.  Thanks to Homegrown Tours for donating an MTB outing for the team, and huge thanks to our anonymous donor for assisting with housing!

    Earth 9 was in Tucson for a total of six weeks.

    For week 1 the team participated in a day of orientation and mountain biking courtesy of Homegrown Tours.  They spent the rest of the week working with TORCA, doing brushing and tread work on Green Mountain Trail.  TORCA reported that they brushed the entire trail from top to bottom and fixed sections of tread that were eroding. 

    For week 2 the team worked with the Arizona Trail Association.  The majority of the week was spent working on the AZT from Molino Saddle to West Spring Tank (on the descent to Milagrosa), with a day spent installing a Super Gate south of Sahuarita with volunteers.

    For weeks 3 and 4 the team worked with Pima County NRPR.  They did trail maintenance at McKenzie Ranch and helped keep the parking lot in good shape for events, and roughed in nearly a mile of new singletrack at Painted Hills Trails Park.

    For weeks 5 and 6 the team worked with SDMB at 100-Acre Wood Bike Park.  They removed nearly 40 cubic yards (2 full dumpsters) of trash, cleared a huge pile of African Sumac, helped finish the Green Flow Trail, and started dirt work on the Green XC Trail.

    This is your donations and membership dollars at work.  Without your contributions, SDMB would not have the funding or staff time to coordinate projects like bringing AmeriCorps NCCC teams to Tucson. 

    Thanks for all your ongoing support!

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SDMB is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization (Tax ID#27-4499320)

PO Box 65075, Tucson AZ 85718

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