Upcoming SDMB Events
April 13th MTB Skills Clinic:
CLINIC VALUE: $140 -- your cost $60 or $20 (if SDMB member)
First(ish) Time/Never Ever MTB School is in Session!
WOMEN ONLY! Saturday, April 13th 8:00 AM - 11:00 AM
(with optional/bonus 30 minute ride with Coach Jody after)
Does THIS describe you? It’s your first(ish) time ever riding a mountain bike and you have never “ridden” on dirt. Skills required: (1) ability to pedal in a straight line without falling over.
What will we learn in Saturday Bike School?
Who is the coach? Certified MTB Instructor and Coach Jody from Sonoran Endurance will bring you a fun day of learning about your bike & learning your FUNdamental MTB skills.
When: Saturday, April 13th, 8:00am - 11:00am
Where: Fantasy Island SHARP Ramada - this location
How many can attend? In order to provide the most optimal clinic experience for all riders, we will limit the number of participants to 5 riders. Youth under 16 years old must be accompanied by an adult (as a clinic participant).
What do you mean FUNdamentals? These are the foundational skills (that many of the THE MOST EXPERIENCED RIDERS HAVE NOT LEARNED) critical to you safely and successfully enjoying your MTB rides!
I am new to mountain biking! PERFECT! We love new riders and welcome all! You do need to know how to start and stop safely on your bike and ride in a straight line. After you register, Coach Jody will email you a Rider Intake Form with some specific questions to learn more about you and better tailor the clinic!
Wait? There's more? The beginning of the clinic will be set aside to be 'hands on' with our bikes. Knowledge is powerful!
8:00 - 11:00:
Introductions (15 min)
Bike Check before we get started & Trailside maintenance Tips (45 - 60 min)
Ride around parking lot--skills assessment
Break (5 min)
Trail Time (30 - 45 min)
Wrap up/Questions!
Sign up here: https://sonorandesertmountainbicyclists.wildapricot.org/event-5676667
COST: $20 SDMB member; $60 Non-member ($40 goes to a one year SDMB membership, so your next classes will be just $20). Again, thanks to the Harris Foundation. NOTE: if cost is an issue OR you do not have a mountain bike, reach out to Coach Jody.
These clinics are made possible by a generous support grant from the Harris Foundation so you can get top notch certified coaches for a fraction of the cost. Each clinic will have no more than 5 or 10 riders and 1-2 coaches so there will be lots of 1-1 coaching time!
© 2018 - Sonoran Desert Mountain Bicyclists -
SDMB is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization (Tax ID#27-4499320)
PO Box 65075, Tucson AZ 85718